Grandfather Economic Report series
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(The Grandfather Economic Report ( ) is comprised of a series of mini-reports reviewing difficult economic conditions facing families and their children, compared to prior generations - - using color pictures with an easy-to-understand format- - a free public service resource on trends of family incomes, debt, social security, education, government (federal, state/local) spending, taxes, foreign trade & exchange, inflation, energy, regulations, productivity, national defense, voter participation, and health care - - now compared to prior generations.
This page includes a list of chapters with important updates. A listing of all chapters is in the Home Page Table of Contents. (There have been 3,557,301 visits direct to above chapters this series to 12/30/08)
RECENTLY ADDED/ UPDATED MINI-REPORTS to the Grandfather Economic Report series: |
![]() Federal Government Debt Report - added pictures of long term trends of interest, international debt, with increasing portion of debt foreign-held - plus table of ALL national debt components. More than half the entire $10.2 trillion federal debt was created in the 1990s, despite record tax increases. Federal debt increased in every year of the 1990s, and each year thereafter to a record high each year, despite prior claims of a surplus. This is called the most comprehensive and easiest-to-understand debt report on the Web. Government (total) Spending Report - 79-year trends combined federal, state and local government spending as share of economy - - to $17,166 per man, woman and child - - includes one of the most powerful, tell-all graphics ever seen. Federal spending increased 10 times faster than the economy - - state & local 3 times faster. Federal Spending & Budget Report - the federal government consumes 28% of national income, compared to 3% several generations ago - - pictures showing where the money goes, compared to before - - and $10,318 federal spending per person ($41,272 per family of 4). Dramatic picture shows the 'culprit' is social spending ratios which increased 14 times faster than the economy, a category of government not outlined by our founding forefathers. Proof defense spending has not been the cause of government spending and debt to date, but was in fact a 'camouflage' to cover the real culprit - expanding social spending. State & Local Government Growth Report - While all eyes are on Washington few recognize the explosive growth of state & local governments. State & local governments consume 18% of the total national income, costing $27,392 per family of four. Each year its number of employees grows faster than the general population - - creating 12.2 million excess government employees. Just as each worker must now carry more seniors (with less expected in return) on their backs than before, each must also carry more government state/local government employees. Also see a specific Report on Florida, as an example of one state - as a format for others to consider for evaluating their own state spending and headcount trends.
Trade Deficit - worse ever - a graphical presentation indicating a danger, as America continues to consume more than it produces - with borrowed money from foreigners. The cumulative current account deficit at the end of 2007 was $6.8 trillion, a new all-time record. The merchandise trade result for 2007 was a deficit of $815 billion - - a record loss.
School Textbooks - 85% of middle schoolers use science text books that are significantly error-laden and unacceptable, although perhaps politically correct. Nobel laureates and science professors say today's math teaching is 'horrifyingly short on basics'. Even advanced science texts are less demanding than middle school readers during the 1950s. School Testing Standards - could you pass the test required to pass the 8th grade in 1895? Probably not, but neither could most of today's teachers and professors. Education quality standards dumbed-down, compared to the past. Should parents care?
The 2004 Presidential Election Report - dramatic graphics show the results of the 2004 presidential elections. Note - the graphics for 2004 can be compared with The 2000 Presidential Election Report (see below). Related issue > the historic trend charts of the Voter Turnout Report.
RECENTLY UPDATED (or in process of update) REPORTS: |
Summary of Report Series - this is the summary chapter of the entire Grandfather Economic Report series.
Federal Government Debt Report - added pictures of long term trends of interest, international debt, with increasing portion of debt foreign-held - plus table of ALL national debt components. More than half the entire $10.2 trillion federal debt was created in the 1990s, despite record tax increases. Federal debt increased in every year of the 1990s, and each year thereafter to a record high each year, despite prior claims of a surplus. This is called the most comprehensive and easiest-to-understand debt report on the Web. Government (total) Spending Report - 79-year trends combined federal, state and local government spending as share of economy - - to $17,166 per man, woman and child - - includes one of the most powerful, tell-all graphics ever seen. Federal spending increased 10 times faster than the economy - - state & local 3 times faster. Federal Spending & Budget Report - the federal government consumes 28% of national income, compared to 3% several generations ago - - pictures showing where the money goes, compared to before - - and $10,318 federal spending per person ($41,272 per family of 4). Dramatic picture shows the 'culprit' is social spending ratios which increased 14 times faster than the economy, a category of government not outlined by our founding forefathers. Proof defense spending has not been the cause of government spending and debt to date, but was in fact a 'camouflage' to cover the real culprit - expanding social spending. State & Local Government Growth Report - While all eyes are on Washington few recognize the explosive growth of state & local governments. State & local governments consume 18% of the total national income, costing $27,392 per family of four. Each year its number of employees grows faster than the general population - - creating 12.2 million excess government employees. Just as each worker must now carry more seniors (with less expected in return) on their backs than before, each must also carry more government state/local government employees. Also see a specific Report on Florida, as an example of one state - as a format for others to consider for evaluating their own state spending and headcount trends. Inflation Report - pictures updated showing both old and new methods of CPI inflation measurement- incl. a section on the Boskin CPI Commission, and a section on education cost inflation. A relationship between inflation and government spending ratios. Article showing inflation rates should be closer to 0.5% instead of current levels. Added chart showing comparative inflation rate trends of U.S. vs. other nations- US still too high, and chart on money supply trends. America's Debt Summary Table - - showing all debt of government and private sector - - simple to understand. The Voting Turn-out Report - 40-years of declining voter turn-out, with a new low set in the last 2 elections - - despite record registration and campaign spending. Negative trends of participatory democracy - - a very serious indicator. What is causing this negative? And does such not call into question the legitimacy of government officials compared to the past? Off-year election graphic updated with 2002 congressional elections, showing nil change in trend. See how the November 2000 election compares with interesting graphics about that election? How Big Should Government Be? - graphic presentation shows government spending share of the economy increased from 12% to 43% of the economy - 4 times faster than economic growth. Has this expansion stopped, or just paused before another upward leap? Dramatic graphics few have seen. Who said 'the era of big government is over?' (This chapter contains 3 of the most compelling graphics in the entire series). Family Income Report - graphic on negative family saving trend, which correlates with 2 ½ decade stagnant family income trend. Last year was a new, all-time record in inflation-adjusted taxes paid by median income dual-earner families to federal, state and local governments, while the compensation of govt. employees increases faster than private sector workers. A New Section added, with pictures of soaring household debt, plus a section and chart showing which families had increased real income past 2 decades and which lagged. New chart and trends on family housing affordability and working married mothers with children under age 6. The 2000 Presidential Election Report - 4 dramatic graphics show how major population center voting nearly overwhelmed voting in 80% of the nation's counties. Is the power of the Constitution's mandate for the Electoral College weakening in its requirement to give recognition to the greater diversity, as prescribed by our founders? Social Security Report - families pay much higher rates than did seniors, with negative returns promised. Numerous color graphics showing intergenerational differences of great proportions - and explanation of how government siphoned off all $1.5 Trillion in surpluses from the trust funds for non-pension spending, leaving IOUs behind with zero plan to pay-back. Dramatic graphic proving approaching 'demographic time-bomb' which could wreck the system - which suggests serious study for privatization. Education Report Index Page - A table of contents page listing all education reports - on quality vs. cost per student. An extensive series, demonstrating macro trends via color graphics. Includes recent polls concerning quality, and recent report that home-schoolers scored 70% above public schools, regardless of race, economic status or regulations. Two-thirds of college freshmen need remedial courses for that not learned in high school - - why are schools graduating them, and why are colleges lowering standards to accept them? Chart on soaring ratio of non-teaching employees, as majority of schools use 'social promotion' and 'grade inflation' as standard practice. Majority minorities want more parental choice. Should serious thought be given to privatization? International Education Report - foreign students better educated, and dominating 'hard' sciences & engineering. OECD reports: "U.S. schools are mediocre, at best." 27 nations outscore our 8th graders in math. Majority of new PhDs in math and hard sciences are not from public schools, in fact they are not even U.S. citizens. Statistical Revisionism & Wizardry - a danger to a nation? Since the mid 1990s many statistical measurements of our economy (inflation, GDP, productivity) and education quality have been revised regarding criteria. It seems some think 'pumping up' the data by changing how you measure, which disconnects with realistic comparison to the past, will make things better. The facts show otherwise. A Road to 'Serfdom' - Summary of America's economic path followed to date, a cross-road and our economic legacy to the next generation. Comparison to intent of nation's founding fathers. Can you define the only 4 principal reasons for government defined by our founders, and where priorities have since changed? Foreign Trade Report - added charts showing over 28% of our economy depends on trade in goods, as negative balances soar - including balances foreign financed. Regulation Report - regulatory compliance costs 15% of national income, or $1.3 Trillion, $4,477 per person - twice as much as social security & medicare combined. NEW charts showing federal expenditures for regulations increased 3 times faster than economic growth, and 14% compounded per year in real terms from 1960 - - and still bureaucracy does not respond to congressional mandates for accountability. Budget Deficits and Trust Fund Siphoning Report, an illegal act in the private sector. During the past years $3.1 trillion has been siphoned-off from various trust funds, of which 70% was siphoned from the social security, federal employee pension and medical trusts - - all spent on non-pension things - - and, not counted in the deficit calculations - with another $2.5 trillion planned. So called 'surpluses' are bogus! Why are the American people so misled? Foreign Exchange Rate Report - updated long-term trends charts, and discussion about the Euro. Health Care Report - while we celebrate increased life-expectancy relative to our past, its less than achieved by other nations - - and, we spend 82% more of our economy on such care than others - - including by our government covering fewer. Productivity Report - updated long-term trend charts, with downward slope - article on future expectations of national productivity. College Report - added to education series, this report shows the decline of standards in college admission and courses, as costs rise faster than inflation - - and higher & higher incoming freshmen require remedial courses - - many taking same with student loans. Education Comments by teachers, professors, students - - further documenting 'grade inflation' and 'social promotion' is the norm, including unbelievable percentage college freshmen require remedial courses for that not learned in high school. Tax Report - Last year the average working citizen needed to work 5.3 months just to pay all taxes - - 4 months more than prior generations. Last year provided the largest tax revenue (as a share of the economy) in history - and a new, all-time record in inflation-adjusted taxes paid by median income dual-earner families to federal, state and local governments. Reagan Era Report - updated comparison to historical data - showing the first reduction in government growth and regulatory cost trends after decades, leading to the demise of the Cold War and economic expansion. School Choice - full report this subject, including polls, unions, and centralized power. Color graphics show non-teaching employees per 100 students soar 200% faster than the rise of teachers per 100, , yet quality falls. International Trends Government Spending-Dependence - this report contains a dramatic graphic of 126 yea trend of the growth of government spending-dependence of the U.S. economy vs. 16 other nations. When someone says 'the era of big government is over', show them this graphic and say, 'compared to what?' Remedial Education Report indicates as many as two-thirds of college freshmen require remedial courses due to failure of high schools to teach the basics - additional evidence of public high school failure to assure their diplomas have meaning compared to past generations. Bilingual Education Report - a flawed social-engineering practice holding back children while wasting resources? A review of this controversial subject. International Education Quality Test Report - On the new international math & science test series, the Associated Press reported American high school 12th graders scored near the bottom of all nations - out performing only Cyprus and South Africa. A comparison of the high-school elite - those who took physics and advance math - showed American at or tied for the bottom. 'There is no excuse for this - adults have failed the young generation', said President Clinton. Asian students, which consistently outscore all nations, were not in this test. Trust in Government Report - 69% do not - a massive drop from 3 decades ago - troublesome for representative democracy - long-term graphic. A new Gallup poll in 2000 showed citizen trust in honesty and ethics of elected officials and news professionals hit a new low. Income Distribution - - problem with the data distorts policy decisions. Remediation Education Report - Huge percentage college freshmen require remedial work, due to major missing basics not learned in high school - Privatization Report - does it work in government? Should there be more? Celebration Report - We have much to celebrate today, compared to prior generations - - such as no exterior war threats & longer life expectancy. A Jokes Page - for some fun during serious times. Question: why did the chicken cross the road? Smile and relax, and add your own reasons. Also, 'Could Noah build his ark today?' |
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