Grandfather Economic Report series
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by Michael Hodges
(updated December 2016)
- a chapter of the Grandfather Economic Reports -

Economic Threats Facing Families & Children
Compared to Prior Generations

Recommended Links To These & Other Sources - see below by category

There are related good sites on the Web which compare current economic conditions facing young families and their children to that faced by prior generations. Please recommend others. Following is a listing by category of various sites, including several individual chapters of the Grandfather Economic Reports- - and some cultural items at the bottom. Here are the category quick links >

General - issues - Debt - Family Economic - Government - Voting/Trust - International - Economy and Energy - Taxes - Regulation - Education - Reagan Era - Healthcare - National Security - Action - Milton Friedman, etc - Other - Cultural - HOME

General Issues:

  1. Home Page of the Grandfather Economic Reports - by MWHodges - A series of picture reports to increase awareness of difficult economic challenges facing families & youth, compared to prior generations: on family incomes, debt, social security, education quality, government (federal, state/local) spending, taxes, foreign trade & exchange, inflation, energy, regulations, productivity, voter participation (at:
  2. Summary of 5 Core Threats identified by the Grandfather Economic Reports - why these reports. All identified challenges via 12 serious questions
  3. Road traveled to a cross-road - from founding fathers to today - and a legacy - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'


  1. Federal Government Debt Report by MWHodges - increasing each and every year, now $14.6 trillion, and $43,925 debt per child, the majority of which was created in the 1990s with rising portion of interest going to foreign entities - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. America's Total Debt Report - all debt - - graphic trends of total government AND private debt of households, business and the financial sector - $57 Trillion, soaring faster than national income - $186,717 per man, woman and child - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Trust Fund Debt Report - over $4 trillion owed to trust funds, since all surpluses were siphoned-off and spent by general government on non-trust business - while claiming the need to 'save social security first' - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. Household Debt - - highest ratio in history.
  5. Pay-down Debt with whose money? - - is it right to use trust fund money to pay down non-trust debt and then just give the trust fund a few non-marketable IOUs with no repayment plan - - which means debt was not paid-down, just shifted? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  6. Total Debt Summary Table - - showing dollar value each category of debt, government and private sector - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  7. Today's Federal Govt. Debt - - The total amount as of today - - to the penny - according to the government
  8. Bureau of Public Debt - from your Treasury Department
  9. Trust Fund holds NO real assets - new Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill confirms (July 2001) Grandfather Economic Report accuracy.
  10. External Gross Debt of U.S.
  11. & US Credit - 'The entire US Economy now heads toward a dead-end alley, the inevitable conclusion of a system whose foundation is built upon growing debt.' - by Jim Willie, May 2003.
  12. National Debt - An Analysis By Thomas H. Smith
  13. Debt Clock of the Federal Government - presentation of the Debt - by Ed Hall
  14. Trust Fund Report on non-existing Trust fund surpluses
  15. "A World in Debt" by Freeman Tilden, 1932 - a classic. "There is one cause, and only one cause, of all panics and depressions in the economic world. That cause is debt. Credit is debt."
  16. Debts to the People - by design - - by Sheldon Emry circa 1960. A brief summary to help novices understand how money is created out of thin air - - designed to create a society forever in debt.
  17. The Phenomenon of Debt, based on "The World in Debt" - a classic by Freeman Tilden. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
  18. Federal Reserve data, incl. Flow of Funds - at
  19. Total outstanding debt D.3 Federal Reserve data
  20. Foreclosures active by ZIP code

Family Incomes, Inflation, Productivity, Taxes and Social Security:

  1. Full Family Income Report with color pictures - stagnant real family incomes for 2 ½ decades - male incomes down, female stagnant- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Social Security Report, with intergenerational pictures- tax rates 5 times higher than seniors paid, with less benefit in return, as the general government siphons-off every penny of $2 trillion in trust fund surplus, spending on non-pension stuff - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Inflation Report - 87% decline in buying power - rates 3 times higher than past, and of major foreign competitors- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. Family Savings - Americans have not saved so little since the depression of the 1930s, down 91% - a spending binge & household debt build-up well beyond income growth, despite the 1990s economic 'boom'.
  5. Household Debt - - highest ratio in history.
  6. Tax Report - Average citizen needs to work 5.3 months just to pay all taxes - - 4 months more than prior generations. Average family federal tax rates up 1,700% and social security tax rates up 500%, compared to prior generations.- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  7. Generation Celebration Report - - We have much to celebrate today, compared to prior generations - - such as no exterior war threats & longer life expectancy. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  8. Manufacturing - 62% decline in ratio of manufacturing jobs, impacts median incomes and trade balances. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  9. Financial Terrorism Against Seniors - - crushed incomes and international buying power. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  10. Income Distribution - trends - a 'Grandfather Economic Report,' which includes a summary of a Sept. 1999 study 'how Census data misrepresent income distribution and over-state inequality' by Robert Rector & Rea Hederman - the Heritage Foundation.
  11. Cost of Living Debate - One could say if you don't like what you are paying then change the way you measure. In this light, the Clinton administration and some congressional leaders have decided to change how inflation is measured in order to reduce the annual cost-of-living adjustment pay-outs to recipients of social security and other programs. (Wash. Post on Boskin Report - 'fobbing off decisions on technical revisions?')
  12. What is a Dollar worth?? - a calculator by the Minn. Federal Reserve, showing how many dollars you need today to buy what one dollar purchased X years ago. Also, CPI since 1800
  13. Social Security is Sicker - the Social Security Trust Fund is really little more than a polite fiction - Cato Institute.
  14. The Over-Spent American - why so many middle-class Americans feel materially dissatisfied, by Juliet B. Schor
  15. Families Are Not Filling Their "Piggy Banks" - Families under more financial pressure - a prescription - by Tracy Levine
  16. Home Mortgage Bubble - "The U.S. financial system is dependent to an unprecedented degree upon the greatest housing-real estate bubble in human history, led by Fannie Mae. Unless corrective measures are taken, the inevitable collapse and the ensuing devastation will destroy millions of families."-  by Richard Freeman
  17. Motherhood - Still the most beautiful career in the world - a verse by Harry Gorman

Government: Federal, State & Local, vs. Private Sector

  1. Trends of Government Expansion - total (federal, state, local) government spending now consumes more than 50% of the total economy's national income, compared to a 12% share when I was young - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Decline of Private Sector - a more socialistic, less free-market economy, than ever before - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Federal Government Expansion - consuming 32% of the nation's economic pie, compared to 3% before - the major rising component has been social spending ratios, up 14 times faster than growth of the economy.- spending trends by category - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. State & Local Government Expansion - consumes 18% of the economic pie, compared to 6% before - 12.5 million excess employees, increasing in numbers and compensation faster than general population - spending $6,848per capita - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  5. Regulatory Compliance Cost Impact - $3,964 per person - $1.1 Billion - 13% of the economy - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  6. Budget Deficit and Trust Fund Siphon Report - Instead of truly reducing debt, we just hear talk about eliminating deficit spending - and even that is a camouflage operation. Last year they claimed a budget surplus, yet debt went up $120 billion as they siphoned-off and spent huge amounts of trust fund surpluses - - so, there was no surplus in general government accounts - - it was a huge deficit. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report' - and short article with FY2000-07 Data.
  7. Privatization - part of a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  8. Tax Report - Average citizen needed to work 5.3 months just to pay all taxes - - 4 months more than prior generations. Average family federal tax rates up 1,700% and social security tax rates up 500%, compared to prior generations.- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  9. 126-year Spending trend Compared to other nations - the U.S. has followed the big-government upward march of others. .- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  10. The Reagan Era in Perspective - first time government expansion stopped in 4 decades - a cross-road. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  11. Statistical Revisionism & Wizardry - a danger to a nation? Since the mid 1990s many statistical measurements of our economy (inflation, GDP, productivity) and education quality have been revised regarding criteria. Now, there is almost no clean comparison with the past - - although many brag about how much better things are compared to the past. Is it true? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  12. Example of one state (Florida) - this gives an idea of the increases in spending and headcount ratio trends of one state- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  13. Social Security Report, with intergenerational pictures- tax rates 5 times higher than seniors paid, with less benefit in return- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  14. How Excessive Government Killed Ancient Rome - Bruce Bartlett - the fall of Rome was fundamentally due to economic deterioration resulting from excessive government, inflation, and over-regulation
  15. Government Size & growth, as a share of the economy, reduces economic growth and investment - Joint Congressional Committee Study - 1998 - (Chairman Jim Saxton with paper via James Gwartney Professor of Economics and Policy Sciences at Florida State University, Robert Lawson Assistant Professor of Economics at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, and Randall Holcombe DeVoe Moore Professor of Economics at Florida State University).
  16. State Spending Splurge: the real story - by Stephen Moore - the spending binge continues
  17. The States Move to the Supply Side - tax-cutting states substantially outperformed tax raisers
  18. Social Security Privatization - by Martin Fieldstein - $10 trillion un-funded liabilities.
  19. Rates of Return from Social Security - Nov. 1999 report by Federal Reserve economist Kevin Lansing
  20. Trust fund debt articles
  21. is a website of George Mason University dedicated to monitoring federal regulatory activity
  22. Threatening Trends in State & Local Government Pensions - by Janice Revel, Fortune - May 2004
  23. Social Security & Medicare Trustee Annual Report
  24. Government Dependency Growth - - growing 3 times faster than the general population since 1962, and 2x the growth rate of the population above age 65 - William Beach, Heritage Foundation, 6/2005 (see also prior Overview)
  25. Learning from FDR's New Deal - Jan. 2008 by Scott Reeves, finance editor Forbes.
  26. Great Myths of the Great Depression - debunking convential wisdon - Sept. 2005, by Mackinac Center for Public Policy President Lawrence Reed (pdf dounload)

Citizen Participation in Voting Turn-out and Trust in Government:

  1. The Voting Turn-out Report - 36-years of declining citizen participation - 27 million missing voters compared to 1960 - a very serious issue for a representative democracy - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Trust in Government Report - 69% do not - a massive drop from 3 decades ago - troublesome for representative democracy - long-term graphic. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. The 2000 Presidential Election Report - 4 dramatic graphics show how major population center voting nearly overwhelmed voting in 80% of the nation's counties - showing two Americas. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. The 2004 Presidential Election Report - dramatic graphics show the results of the 2004 presidential elections. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  5. About the Electoral College - how it works, how electors are selected.


  1. Loss of international value of the dollar - will largest debtor nation on earth restart down-turn of the dollar, as shown by this long-term chart? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Decline of Foreign Trade Balances & Reserves - continuing negative results in trade and reserves- - cumulative current account deficit now $3.8 Trillion, and growing - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Dr. Allan Greenspan - Federal Reserve Chairman - on need to increase national savings instead of continuing to depend on international inflows, which cause current account deficits. (Note: how unfortunate this excellent article has been removed from its server, which I noted 2/99)
  4. International Education Report, with color graphics - comparison study of U.S. education vs. international students.- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  5. 126- year Government Spending Trend Report - U.S. vs. others. a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  6. Financial Terrorism Against Seniors - - crushed incomes and international buying power. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  7. Trade Deficits - cumulative USA with all nations and with China - - (link to Census Bureau foreign trade divisions China data) - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  8. The US Dollar and its Loss - May 2003. 'US savers (including a lot of seniors) are vulnerable and devastated from forced-down interest earnings (by record low interest rates) and a falling dollar, wondering who represents them and why are powers-to-be making war on savers instead of on debtors.'
  9. The End of Dollar Hegemony -  Feb. 2006 by HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS Before the U.S. House of Representatives 
  10. U.S. Trade Deficit Commission - Dec. 2000. Enlightened reading, showing all commissioners, from both parties, are deeply concerned that not only is the trade deficit not sustainable but that it carries a great deal of danger to the nation and living standards. No real solutions are proposed with any consensus. (NOTE > this link has been discontinued, formerllay at >
  11. U.S. Trade Balance by country - US Census Bureau - trade division
  12. When Money Dies - the nightmare of the Weimar Collapse - - how it affected each class - - winners and losers
  13. 'United-Bluff', by Danish economist Ebbe Vig - - thoughtful perspective of history and trends regarding the European Union and EURO.
  14. Excess foreign reserves and dollar crisis - excellent report on implication of exploding US current account deficits and where the debt money goes. Richard Duncan, May 2003
  15. U.S. Exiting from Building Passenger Aircraft, a market the U.S. led for more than half a century, with profound economic and job impacts, says August 2003 study. Soon all new U.S. airline aircraft may be produced abroad, as Boeing (and its machinists and engineers) exit market?


  1. Energy Report - Declining U.S. production back to 1950 levels, declining reserves, soaring consumption and imports for oil and natural gas - - more dependent than ever on others - - a danger facing young generations told in easy-to-understand picture form. Contributions from world experts. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Inflation Report - 89% decline in buying power - rates 3 times higher than past, and higher than major foreign competitors. Just as U.S. oil production peaked in 1970, world output is expected to peak within the next 5-15 years. (implications for inflation, real family living standards, and national security looking forward, compared to past generations?) - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Productivity Report - 73% decline in growth rate - to the lousy 1% average rate for 2 decades- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. Family Savings - Americans have not saved so little since the depression of the 1930s, down 91% - a spending binge & household debt build-up well beyond income growth, despite the 1990s economic 'boom'.
  5. Statistical Revisionism & Wizardry - a danger to a nation? Since the mid 1990s the criteria used for many statistical measurements of our economy (inflation, GDP, productivity) and education quality have been revised, some making it appear all of a sudden as if the U.S. has become a nation on go-go steroids - some sort of 'new era.' Since those changes there is almost no clean data comparison with the past - - although many brag about how much better things are compared to the past. Is it true? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  6. Manufacturing - 61% decline in ratio of manufacturing jobs, impacts median incomes and trade balances. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  7. Lawyers compared to other nations - It is interesting that the chart ranking of the nations regarding lawyer concentration correlates with the same ranking concerning trade competitiveness and inflation rates. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  8. Financial Terrorism Against Seniors - - crushed incomes and international buying power. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  9. Energy reserves - When Will the Joy Ride End? by Randy Udall, 1999. As recently as 1950 the U.S. was producing half the world's oil. Forty-eight years later, we don't produce half our own oil. Domestic production peaked in 1970, 30 years ago, and today we produce just 45% of the crude we consume. A different review and excellent analysis of reserves is by Dr. Jean Laherrère
  10. Free Market Interest Rates vs. Federal Reserve control - Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992), a Nobel Laureate in economics, of the Austrian School of economics stated that any government interference with markets will lead to distortions and inefficiencies in an economy and that the price of current consumption versus future consumption, that is, the interest rate, also must be allowed to be determined in a market free of government influence. Because central banks either directly or indirectly influence interest rates, the Austrian School sees central banks as major mischief-makers in an economy. An excellent article by Paul Kasriel, Northern Trust. 'Central banks are essentially legal counterfeiters. They can figuratively create credit out of thin air, resulting in the misallocation of productive resources (malinvestment) caused by interference in the free market determination of interest rates.'
  11. The Federal Reserve - what is it? (RealAudio, rm) - - This is one of the most simple-to-understand reports on what is the Federal Reserve, why and how and by whom was it created, how it works and to what entities is it beholden. It's a Sept. 2002 audio interview of Jim Griffin about his book, 'The Devils of Jekyl Island' - - "First let's say what the Federal Reserve is not - - it is not a part of the Federal Government. The Federal Reserve is, simply, "a banking cartel operating solely in the interest of certain money-center banks, just as OPEC is a oil cartel operating solely in the interest of its oil producer members. One of the Federal Reserve's objectives is to protect its money-center bank members from major losses that could result from their poor domestic and international loans - - by arranging for taxpayers to pick-up the tab." (NOTE > this link now appears broken - it was formerly at:
  12. Gold and Economic Freedom - Alan Greenspan, 1966. Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of the productive members of a society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes. The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit. In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. (NOTE > this link now appears broken - it was formerly at:
  13. Welcome to the Energy Crisis - Harry Gorman, an insightful commentary in verse form.
  14. "The Bubble That Broke the World" by Garet Garret, 1932. A classic showing the Great Depression was caused by a horrendous bubble economy created by excessive money (debt) creation out of thin air by the new federal reserve bank.
  15. Powershift - Oil, Money, and War - by Jim Puplava - dramatic challenge to the U.S. looking forward.
  16. Immigrant Population Explosion - trends at 'Numbers USA' - - 1 in 5 citizens are either foreign-born or first generation immigrant. 1990s growth highest in history.
  17. 'Boom bust cycles and their causes' - "A loose monetary stance by the central bank enables the diversion of resources away from wealth generating activities towards wealth consumption." by Dr Frank Shostak.
  18. Great Myths of the Great Depression - by L.W.Reed - traces the central role that poor government policy played in fostering this legendary tragedy.
  19. The Nightmare German Hyper-Inflation of 1922-24 - The many parallels between 1919-24 Germany and present-day United States are cause for concern. This article explains causes and effects of this terrible hyper-inflation period in Germany.
  20. The Cultural and Spiritual Legacy of Fiat Inflation - by J.G. Hülsmann, Mises Institute - July 28, 2004
  21. Crash History - a summary of economic bubbles
  22. "Government Economic Reports: Things You've Suspected but Were Afraid to Ask!" - Oct. 6, 2004 - Gillespie Research
  23. "Cost of Living Guide" - Jan. 2005 - Americn Institute of Economic Research (includes purchasing power conversion table vs. prior years)
  24. Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt - a 1946 classic
  25. Man vs. The Welfare State - Henry Hazlitt - a 1968 classic
  26. Inflation Definition and End Game - Dec. 2006 intereview with Paul Kasriel, Sr. V.P. and Director of Economic Research at The Northern Trust Company
  27. Inflation Caused by Money Supply Growth - Federal Reserve Bank
  28. On the Origin and Evolution of the Word Inflation - Federal Reserve Bank
  29. Composition of the U.S. Money Suppy (as of July 2007) - by Mike Hewitt
  30. the Collapse Gap - - comparing collapse of the Soviet Union to a potential U.S. collapse.
  31. The Numbers Racket - 'why the economy is worse than we know it.' - Harpers, May 2008, by Kevin Phillips (see also this subject Statistical Revisionism & Wizardry and George Orwell's '1984' today, including its section 'Ministry of Truth'.)
  32. Hyper-Inflation - explained in detail.
  33. When Money Dies - the nightmare of the Weimar Collapse - - how it affected each class - - winners and losers


  1. Regulatory Compliance Cost Report - compliance costs mandated by federal AND state & local government, relating to per capita and share of economy - $3,964 per person - $1.1 Trillion Billion per year - 16% of the economy- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. A satire - could Noah build his ark today? - considering regulations.
  3. "Regulatory Costs in Profile" - by Professor Thomas D. Hopkins and other references on regulation costs from The Heritage Foundation
  4. Ten Thousand Commandments - by Wayne Crews. Snapshot regulatory cost trends 2000 vs 1999
  5. Cato Institute - regulation site
  6. Cost of Tax Compliance - $194 billion in 2002, per Scott Moody, Tax Foundation


  1. Tax Report - Average working citizen work 5.3 months just to pay all taxes - - 4 months more than prior generations. Average family federal tax rates up 1, 700% - - social security tax rates up 500%.- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Tax History Report - how far we have come from the intention of our founders. An article by G. Edward Griffin and the New American
  3. Social Security Drain Report - tax rates 5 times higher than seniors paid, with less benefit in return- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. Tax Foundation - in 1996 a median income dual-earner family paid the highest inflation-adjusted taxes in U.S. history.


  1. Full Education Report - Table of Contents Page - a 'Grandfather Economic Report' pictures you have never seen of education quality & spending trends - declining productivity index - polls concerning quality - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. International Education Report, with color graphics - a comparison study of U.S. education vs. international students.- a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. College Report - lowering standards to meet lower incoming quality from high schools - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  4. Bilingual Education Report - a flawed social-engineering practice holding back children while wasting resources? A review of this controversial subject. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  5. Parental Choice Report - - not a 'rich-kid' gimmick - 57-65% of minorities want it. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  6. Various recent polls - Poll: Voters consider public schools Mediocre or a Failure and 1997 Polls Show Voucher support for private education accelerating - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  7. Education Comments by teachers, parents & students - problems described from the inside. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  8. Remedial Education Report - as many as two-thirds of college freshmen require remedial courses, because the basics were not learned in high school. Are high school diplomas 'bogus,' even for those graduating near the top of their classes? Should high schools be charged back for graduating students who require remedial courses the next year? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  9. Student-teacher ratio Report - quality actually fell, instead of improving, as class sizes shrank, proving top-down mandates for smaller classes is not justified on a quality achievement basis. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  10. Centralized Power & Control - 50% of school funding controlled at federal-state levels - power to government & unions - not answerable to parents, or even local school boards. 93% less parental influence due to 85% fewer school districts. National PTA mimics unions not parents. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  11. Union Power - in education. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  12. Textbooks - 85% of middle schoolers use science text books that are significantly error-laden and unacceptable, although perhaps politically correct. Should we care that honors high school science texts are no more difficult than an eighth grade reader 50 years ago? - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  13. Testing Standards - could you pass the test required to pass the 8th grade in 1895? Probably not, but neither could most of today's teachers and professors. Testing standards are a huge issue. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  14. Home-schoolers out-perform peers - - home-schooled students' average scores were between the 82nd and the 92nd percentile in reading and reached the 85th percentile in math, compared to 50 percentile for public schools - - similar results in Canada - - a summary of many reports regarding home-school performance - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  15. Grade Inflation - becoming out of control at universities for money reasons. Despite a higher percentage of high school graduates attending college than ever before, more than 44 percent of freshmen entering four-year colleges fall 2001 reported they had A averages in high school, compared to under 18 percent that averaged A's in 1968. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  16. Teachers - - within a monopoly system - - Many blame teachers for poor quality education, but is it not naïve to expect high, measurable world-class quality from most employees of a monopoly system?
  17. School Daze - by R. Vedder - 11 employees per 100 students (vs. 5 in 1950), including 3.4 times more non-teaching employees. (note- on 11/01 found this link not functional) Also see this link >
  18. Low Achievement, High Satisfaction - DOE - grading practices give parents wrong impression
  19. Happy Talkers Are Wrong; Achievement Has Declined - a restructuring of the test
  20. Math Wars - Eight of the 10 curriculums recently recommended for nationwide use by an influential Education Department panel teach the New New Math called "Connected Math," or "Everyday Math." 200 mathematicians and scientists, including four Nobel Prize recipients and two winners of a prestigious math prize, the Fields Medal, published a letter in the Washington Post deploring the reforms, saying that 'programs of the sort picked by the federal panel turn out to be horrifyingly short on basics.'
  21. Summary Statistics from DOE source - CER statistics on spending, salaries, enrollment, etc.
  22. Milton and Rose Friedman Education Foundation - a summary of Friedman writings concerning education
  23. Public Schools - make them private - This is the Cato Briefing Paper that Friedman wrote about school choice
  24. Administrative expenditures, which have been growing in relative importance, tend to have negative effects on learning. National Center for Policy Analysis
  25. No Excuses - A story about turning a failing, 99% minority, inner-city school into top academic achievement by strict course standards, discipline and teacher performance control. Administrators, instead of trying to replicate it elsewhere, were openly hostile and tried to block recognition. Jan. 1998.
  26. Schools of Thought - Rick Henderson, Washington editor of REASON, 1997. An excellent survey regarding education privatization.
  27. Productivity Collapse in Schools - Eric A. Hanushek (University of Rochester), education has had relative productivity declines of 3½ percent per year compared to the service sectors. - a similar finding to the Grandfather Education Report's productivity index.
  28. Money & School Performance - Paul Ciotti, March 1998 - Test scores did not rise despite the smallest class sizes (12:1) and highest spending ($11,700 per pupil) in the nation, including highest teacher salaries and capital spending - Kansas City Experiment.
  29. Other Viewpoints - The Chthonic Side of Education by Dr. Robert Kizlik, June 1998
  30. Home Schooling information by Rose Rock Support Group
  31. "A student in my graduate course this fall wrote a great paper on the past, present, and future of elementary curriculum, and referenced the Grandfather Report web site. I decided it was of ample quality to post on my site. Elementary Curriculum: a Janus Look by Louise "Jody" Barnetta ('Students today not only cannot compete globally, they cannot compete with past generations of their peers in our own country.') Dr. Kizlik"
  32. Is the Current Education System Failing Our Children? By Tracy Levine
  33. The Schools We need - and why we don't have them - Professor E. Hirsch says, 'we have somehow placed more importance on self-esteem and freedom of expression, rather than hard work, learning the "basics," and academic achievement. These are some of the reasons why American students lag far behind almost every other developed nation.' - Tracy Levine's review of a powerful book
  34. Bumper Stickers and how many know Federalist Papers
  35. Danish point of view regarding developmental history of education in USA and Europe by Danish economist Ebbe Vig
  36. International Test scores are fair and accurate, according to U.S. Commissioner of Education Statistics. \
  37. June 2004 Graduation Tests - Achieve, Inc., a bipartisan, nonprofit education organization formed by governors and prominent business leaders, found that math and English tests for high school diplomas require only middle school knowledge, and those math tests measure only what students in other countries learn in the seventh grade.
  38. Mell Gabler, RIP - a personal mission to reform textbooks in Texas. The 'little guy against the biggies.'
  39. Free Online LSAT Preparation Tools – Prep Test Exams, Practice Questions - this link suggested August 2014 by Kelly Hart (, who said this really helped in her studies.

Reagan Era:

  1. The Reagan Era in Perspective - first time government expansion stopped in 4 decades - re-thinking government size - a cross-road - - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Other Reagan Links
  3. Reagan Economic Record - Policy Analysis No. 261, by William Niskanen & Stephen Moore
  4. Reagan Belongs on Kings Row - There can be no question that Mr. Reagan was one of the greatest visionaries since Lincoln to occupy the presidency of the United States - December 4, 2000 - by Steven G. Calabresi, a professor of law at Northwestern University and National Co-Chairman of the Federalist Society

Health Care:

National Security:

  1. National Security Report - our founding fathers called national defense the #1 principle reason for a federal government, yet we note a dramatic long-term down trend in defense spending ratios to pre World War II levels - - with much less war-time private sector economic mobilization surge potential than was available for those who faced WW II, because of government growth in the social arena not envisioned by our founders as a function of the federal government. Additionally, the US is a net importer of 60% of its oil needs, compared to being independent of imports during WW II. We have been surprised before, and may be again - - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. While America Sleeps - - Self-Delusion, Military Weakness, and the Threat to Peace Today - - thought-provoking Real Audio interview - - citing historical implications of U.S. failure to shape a policy and to commit the resources needed to maintain peace has cost valuable time in shaping a peaceful world and has placed America's long-term security in danger. Frederick Kagan, professor history U.S. Military Academy (if you don't have Real Audio software, you can check this site).
  3. Future of the American Pacifier - - Future strategic threats to U.S. super-power status, recognizing the central aim of American foreign policy has traditionally been to dominate the western hemisphere while not permitting another great power to dominate Europe or Northeast Asia. Faster emergence of China by encouraging its economic growth is questioned, and instability in Europe is forecast if Germany develops nuclear arms. Foreign Affairs, October 2001, By John J. Mearsheimer
  4. Dangerous Intentions - - questions and answers today and looking forward regarding China and USA, April 2001, Geoff Metcalf interviews China expert Steven W. Mosher
  5. National Defense - lost priorities of our founders' #1 priority for forming a federal government must be recovered. Dr. Joseph May, US Senatorial candidate 2002.
  6. The Hidden Cost of War - U.S. Representative Ron Paul, Texas, June 2005 - "Conveniently forgotten are the goals never achieved by armed conflict, and the negative consequences that linger for years.The more people have faith in and depend upon the state, the more difficult it is to keep the state from initiating wars."

Actions and Targets:

A Tribute:

  1. A Tribute to Milton Friedman, a National Treasure - by M.W. Hodges - his great works and his influence on the birth of this Grandfather Economic Report series - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  2. Famous Quotes of America's Founding Fathers - Wise words from founding fathers of our great nation. Many agree it foolish to ignore great wisdom of the past. Many also agree we depart from this wisdom at our nation's peril. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report'
  3. Milton and Rose Friedman Education Foundation
  4. Friedman ring of the Free World index - the 6 best Friedman ring links, including by Grandfather Economic Reports - and Renowned Economists (Frederic Bastiat, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Julian Simon, Adam Smith, and Thomas Sowell)
  5. Hoover Institute web site
  6. Friedman on Govt. Tax Cuts vs. Spending vs. Pay Down Debt - - 2003. I always choose the tax cut option, any time, any way - - because its best that citizens decide how to spend their money, not politicians.
  7. A Friedman Legacy - his contributions to the theory and practice of monetary policy. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - B. Bernanke, Oct. 2003
  8. "Where Friedman Went Wrong," Antal E. Feket - Nov. 2006. Accusing that Friedman's endorsement of an irredeemable currancy will result in the worse credit crisis in U.S. history. "The monetary, financial, and economic stature of the United States is in shambles, thanks to Friedman’s floating dollar. It was the sinking dollar that has turned the country from the greatest creditor into the greatest debtor the world ever knew. We are facing a credit collapse."
  9. 10 Other excellent Friedman links
  10. "Harry Gorman's Cleansing Shower". Tribute to a great 20th century economic poet, who feared economic trends threatened America's survival as the nation's founders intended. Well into his late 90s Harry tirelessly broadcast his warnings, documented by 37 unique poems.

Other Resources:

  1. National Bureau of Economic Research
  2. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  3. Human Action by Ludwig von Mises - a classic - the Austrian School of Economics
  4. The Cato Institute - promoting public policy based on individual liberty, limited government & free markets
  5. DeJa News - a power search engine, with filtering tools, for internet USENET newsgroup articles
  6. CIA Fact Book - - comparative data about nations of the world compiled by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency

Cultural Interests - the first link is for fun and genuine laughter:

  1. Grandfather Jokes Page - A time to smile. Question#1: Why did the chicken cross the road? Question #2: Could Noah build an ark today? Answers here. - a 'Grandfather Economic Report' chapter
  2. Famous Quotes - a 'Grandfather Economic Report' chapter
  3. The Constitution of the United States of America - - (our founding forefathers called for limited government, defined only by powers specified in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution )
  4. The Federalist Papers - an index/link to all 85 of the Federalist Papers - 1787-88 - plus brief description of prime subject of each. (search engine - - example, type-in 'Hamilton' for his papers or type 'war' for related papers).
  5. The Federalist No. 23 ALEXANDER HAMILTON December 18, 1787 - the 4 principles of union (para. 3) - "The principal purposes to be answered by union are these: the common defense of the members; the preservation of the public peace as well against internal convulsions as external attacks; the regulation of commerce with other nations and between the States; the superintendence of our intercourse, political and commercial, with foreign countries."
  6. The Declaration of Independence and the founding fathers
  7. Noah's Ark - About government regulations if Noah tried to build the ark today - - funny reality.
  8. The Vatican Museum - a large collection of fine paintings, of unbelievable web quality
  9. Some wonders of the 20th Century: The Greatest Century That Ever Was - 25 Miraculous Trends - Cato Institute
  10. The Smithsonian Institute - select your own self-guide tour by subject

If you're lost, RETURN TO

GRANDFATHER ECONOMIC REPORT HOME PAGE - by MWHodges - for the complete listing of reports, showing economic trends facing families and youth, compared to prior generations.

If you have link ideas for addition here, please contact me by mail - or make recommendations to make this site more valuable, accurate and comprehensive.


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Copyright © 1997-2011 Michael W. Hodges. The Grandfather Economic Report series is the intellectual property of its author; all rights reserved under Copyright Conventions. Permission to redistribute all or part of this series for non commercial purposes is granted by the author, provided the associated web page address is included and full credit given to the Grandfather Economic Report and the author, Michael Hodges. Notice appreciated via email.