Grandpa Gorman's Cleansing Shower
- chapter 6 -

Business Shark - - moving on out!2 Kisses of Death

For the American Dream

Washington, Jefferson, Adams must be turning in their graves
To see how Americans are becoming global slaves.

"What!", you say, "We're all free men. How can you tell such lies?"
If proof is what you're looking for, here's proof to blind your eyes.

George Washington warned us to put Americans first
Not to mess in foreign schemes or we'd be ever cursed.

This sound advice he gave to us, we took and threw away.
He'd be sick with disappointment to see our land today.

Our ancestors built America with toil and faith and patience.
Now, burrowing in our homes are termite United Nations.

Two hundred, mostly third-world lands, all mediocrities,
Just a very few of them can boast democracies.

They hate us and they spy on us and we just pay the bill.
Let's send them off to China - that's their proper domicile.

Here, at home, the parasites in Congress and in trade.
Have put in place a "One-World" scheme and here is how it's made.

They tricked us and then "treated" us to N.A.F.T.A. - - W.T.O.
These destructive treaties are causing terrible woe.

Millions of American jobs have vanished overseas
Where wages are a pittance, a bowl of moldy peas.

Waiting on the sidelines are United Nations jackals
Poised to tie us tighter in their slimy, global shackles.

What would Founding Fathers say to these obscenities?
They would not approve of "Global World" and false amenities.

Wake up, young Americans - what shall we do right now?
Our leaders stole your American Dream and killed the sacred cow!

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