Grandpa Gorman's Cleansing Shower
- chapter 19 -

When Times
Are Tough
You Can't Eat
A Football!. . .
precious children

It never ceases puzzling me how people are obsessed
With sports
of almost every kind - and soon become possessed

Of course there's skill in football, baseball, golf and hockey, too
But, is that what life is all about?. . . Is that all there's to do?

It's bad enough with adults, glued to TV after work
But, kids addicted to all sports? -- their school work they will shirk.

They're the ones in danger - those student sport fanatics.
Who feed on football trivia instead of mathematics.

Finally, they "graduate" and some can barely read
How will they make a living, their families to feed?

Only then will they discover, and find out, much too late
That hockey pucks and footballs don't taste good upon a plate!

Many schools are a disaster, where kids now get their thrills
From sports and beer and "making out" instead of learning skills.

God help them when they face the world; the future is not bright
For students stuffed with trivia, who cannot read or write

Wealthy folks who send their kids to some expensive college
Expecting them to come back home, full of useful knowledge.

Are finding out that sports and beer and most computer "skills"
Are terrible preparation for paying up the bills

In ghetto slums you'll find some kids with brains and little hope
Of leaving their environment of poverty and dope.

Let's EDUCATE these worthy kids; to Hell with all the rest!
Our country's future's in the hands of those who pass life's test.

Here, Government and businessmen could lend a helping hand
- a gift they'll understand!

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